(00:24) Happy 2025!
(00:34) Hungry Bogart interview on Linux Prepper origins and background on Medium.
(01:00) Episode Overview
(01:45) Audience Feedback
(02:50) Discussion forum now live for the podcast and eventually Living Cartoon Company, my theatrical work.
(03:20) SeaGL Gnu/Linux Conference from October
(08:00) There is more to this podcast than just technology in terms of computers. Also relates to making musical instruments, electronics, recipes, DIY, hardware
(09:15) My audience expectations is you want to learn more. You are someone happy to learn more. You will be inspired to take initiative.
(12:00) Everyone starts hosted. No shame in it. But, when to try selfhosting on your device?
(15:00) Basic services you can experiment with to begin your own homelab of internal devices
for printing, Samba and more with zero configuration.
(19:00) Buy a domain yourself using a service like Porkbun.com
(19:30) Reverse Proxy to access your services with valid https, either publicly and/or locally only.
nothing makes friends and family less interested in our service.hostname.local:$port
There are tons of reverse proxies to choose from! I don’t want to recommend one over another. Which do you prefer? All of these services are ones your friends and family will use, whether they know it or not.
(22:05) What services do you actually host for your friends and family? Let me know! podcast@james.network
(22:30) Paypal donations accepted (23:00) Podcasting 2.0 support enabled (24:00) Now using studio monitors for reference in better recording and mixing the show.